Resuscitating You

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Ten Tiny Tips To Help You Save Time

We are pleased to introduce Nancy Stevens’ tips to help carve out a little bit more “me” time! Thank you, Nancy!

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four-hour days.” - Zig Ziglar

Do you feel like you are running behind your life as you move through your “day to day?” That you have a never-ending list of things to do, and finish each day wishing an extra hour would appear from somewhere?

You’re not alone. Most of us feel this way at some point or another, and find we are constantly searching for a better way to create more time.

What is the answer?

Finding balance within ourselves while maximizing the time we do have!

When we cultivate ways to personally save time, abundance is found, including peace and calm.

If we can find balance to make every moment of work and home life count as much as possible then the outcome is less stress, greater focus and being present in what is happening right now.

Switch things up and try one or all of these tips to abundantly own more of your time!

1.     Include your needs at the top of your daily life.

Society sends a mixed message “to get it all done” and keep doing more while inviting us to take time for ourselves. This is confusing and creates inner chaos. The answer? Take care of yourself and needs so that you have more wellbeing and energy for everything else! Take time each day tending to your lovely self so you can be your best for others.

2.     Get up earlier.

If you feel your work week mornings are crazy and rushed, give yourself more to get ready and find your rhythm by getting up earlier. Yes, this means you may need to go to bed earlier. It’s all good. Removing am chaos by factoring in more time sets the tone for the rest of your day to flow with greater ease and balance.

3.     Create a daily list.

When you take time to craft a list at the beginning or the end of the day for what is to come, you have a plan on paper on purpose that places your time and energy in flow!

4.     Practice good sleep hygiene.

Good sleep habits (sleep hygiene) can improve the quality of your sleep and give you more energy to get things done with ease. Is there something you can improve with your sleep habits? Try this tip. Be consistent going to bed and waking at the same time each day... at least during your school/work week. This hygiene habit will open up time for you!

5.     Manage your health and wellness.

Denying or ignoring potential health issues due to stress at home, work, in relationships may seem like you have more time to spend attending to work, home and others. When health issues make their way into your busy life you may lose lots of time going to the doctor, taking time off due to sickness, unable to get things done because you have little to no energy and just do not feel well. Pay it forward and care for yourself. The basics: healthy food, sleep, movement and managing stress.

6.     Batch like-minded errands/projects.

When possible, combine errands if they are in the same vicinity ...this can be on weekends or if you have time during your lunch break to get in a quick errand or two. Batch - meal planning, shopping and food prep on a designated day of the week! Batch like-minded chores such as laundry and bathrooms.

7.     Have a regular place for things and put them back when done.

Nothing sucks time from our day like looking for misplaced keys, smart phone, electronics, your wallet. Have a designated place in your home for these items so when you need them, there they are. Time is in your favor!

8.     Stick to a schedule when possible.

Create a personal and doable time lined schedule for household routines and deadlines at work and home. A schedule helps you to take charge in managing time spent on projects, while helping you stay focused. A win win for your time and quality of work.

9.     Listen to audio books.

If you like to learn and relax with a good book but find yourself more in your car than at home, listen to books, podcasts and learning webinars as a means to time batch with learning and relaxation.

10.  Delegate, delegate, delegate.

Enlist the help from co-workers for minor work projects you feel comfortable letting go of, so that you may focus on the bigger projects. Request help with household chores! Hire a housekeeper, a gardener. Order groceries online and have them delivered to your home. Free up your time from these mundane tasks so you may focus on you and your needs. Self-care is extremely important.

Here’s to you as you enjoy abundant balance in your work and home life!

Nancy Stevens is an International Certified Coach; blogger with the Wellness Universe; and a talk show host on News For The where she shares her passion and tips for cultivating authentic self-care. She is an accomplished speaker, educating groups and organizations about personal development and healthy wellbeing. Nancy’s calling is to connect and empower busy women to find and own their authentic identity so that they can be change-makers and positively impact others. When she’ not working, Nancy loves spending time with her husband a five-time Grammy Award winner and their four sons.