Call to my Daughter


by KCY

My dear daughter,

From the inner city ghetto

The small farm in middle America,

The dry deserts of Africa and the Middle East,

Villages of Asia,

War torn and divided nations.

Do not be afraid.

For now is your time.

Your time to shine,

Your time to conquer.

You are strong.

You are bold.

You are bright.

Do not let them tell you who you are and what you can do.

You can do anything which you set your mind to.

You can be a doctor, a mother, a friend, a leader.

Beloved daughter,

I will not lie.

There will be challenges.

Hurdles which you must jump.

Hurdles so high,

So high that you will not see the top.

There will be times when you will shed tears,

When you will think that those challenges are insurmountable.

But the truth of the matter is

The inner strength you possess inside will allow you to overcome what people will say

is impossible.

There will be critics.

People who will tell you that you cannot have it all.

That you should not have it all.

Do not listen to their voices,

For it is ignorance and fear that they throw at you.

Listen to your sisters, your mothers,

Who have themselves burst through fear,

Climbed that mountain,

And silenced their opponents.

But most important,

Listen to yourself.

For you are powerful.

You are capable.

You are smart.


Believe in yourself,

Prove them wrong.

But most importantly,

Never stop fighting for your dreams.

